[les nuits blanches ~白夜~]
sanjugoban 生誕祭 - 2days
[les nuits blanches ~白夜~]
会場: 高円寺Amp Cafe @ampcafe_koenji
OP/ST : 17:30-21:30
料金 : 1500円
Dana Ollestad @dana_explosions
Ryotaro x Haruka (from Looprider) @lprdrband
電気羊 @yerpono @predawn_23
liminal mafia @liminal_mafiavol2
meishi @la_poire_may
sanjugoban @yerpono
由佳 @nikoyuka24
2024/12/14 (土)
[les nuits blanches ~白夜~]
会場: 新宿ROCK CAFE LOFT @rockcafeloft
OP/ST : 23:59-05:00~
料金 : 1000円
8bit gang @8bit_gang
flesh on stage @fleshonstage
untitled01 @untitled01.lim
tomodati (DJ set) @tomodati.info
WAKARAHEN @limi_kyun @yerpono
MMZK @mmzk.t.n
羅愚那露躯-Ragnarøk @kirin1021 @5n6organs
無政府dystopia @museifu.dystopia
Take the South exit of JR Koenji station. Cross to the other side of the big rotary and on the left side you'll see a building with a florist and Yonchome Cafe. Take the street on the left. Keep going straight, then turn right down the street between a karaoke place and a park. Walk a bit and High is on the right in a concrete building. AMP is part of High.