アーサー・ブル (Arthur Bull), 山㟁直人 (Naoto Yamagishi), 大上流一 (Riuichi Daijo)

2019 / 11 / 21 (Thu)
Live House:
Permian - Meguro
Open Time:
Start Time:
Door Price:
between 1,000 & 2,000yen
Added by:
アーサー・ブル (Arthur Bull), 山㟁直人 (Naoto Yamagishi), 大上流一 (Riuichi Daijo)


アーサー・ブル Arthur Bull (guitar), 山㟁直人 Naoto Yamagishi (percussion), 大上流一 Riuichi Daijo (guitar)


アーサー・ブル Arthur Bull
Arthur Bull has been active on the improvised music scene in Canada since the mid-1970s, during the early days of the Music Gallery in Toronto. In 1980’s he was a member of the Bill Smith Ensemble, participating in numerous multimedia collaborations, and he also toured with Smith in the music/performance duo Duck Soup. Since the late 1990’s he primarily worked with fellow guitarist Daniel Heïkalo, touring, recording and appearing in several major festivals. Over the years Arthur Bull has collaborated with many leading Canadian improvisers, and has also performed in concert with international players, including Roscoe Mitchell, John Tchicai, Joe McPhee, Roger Turner, Peter Kowald, Paul Rutherford, Bob Cobbing, Fred Anderson, Kidd Jordan, John Russell, Mike Cooper, and John Butcher. He has released more than 16 CDs over the years, including solo, duo and group recordings, and has toured extensively, most recently in Europe and Mexico. Arthur is also a long-time blues musician, and has performed both as a solo act, and as a member of Les Surruralist(e)s and the Spokes. Arthur Bull is a published poet, with four poetry books to his name, and works as an activist for small-scale fisheries, locally and internationally. He lives on Digby Neck in Nova Scotia, Canada.


1 3才の頃からドラムを始める。ドラムを阿部拓也氏に師事。国内外、ジャンルを問わず様々なアーティスト(ミュージシャン、ダンサー、詩人、写真家、書道家、華道家、画家、メディアアーティストなど)と共演し、現在はソロやグループ、またサポートドラマーとしてヨーロッパや日本で活動中。主なグループやプロジェクトに松樹千年翠(書道家白石雪妃、華道家塚越応駿、琵琶奏者藤高理恵子とのプロジェクト)、En Route (画家上田暁子とのプロジェクト)、usva (Lauri Hyvärinen / Finland, Jone Takamäki / Finlandとのトリオ)など他にも多数。

1978年生 guitarist。潮流や新奇性にとらわれない極めてプリミティブな即興演奏による音楽的アプローチを実践している。 2004年ソロシリーズ「Dead Pan Smiles」をplanBで開始し、 独自の作業性を包摂しつつ2013年までに109回に及ぶ定点ソロコンサートを行う。 2015年ソロシリーズ音源からの抜粋「Dead Pan Smiles」5CDboxをファーストリリース。 また平行して多様なミュージシャンとの共演も重ねているが、 2013年からは初共演者との積極的な交わりの場として「Shield Reflection」を水道橋Ftarriにて定期的に開催している。

Riuichi Daijo
Guitarist. Born in Yokohama, Japan in 1978.
started playing the guitar and soon came to concentrate on improvisation.
Since 2004 he had continued regular solo concerts until 2013 Sep, as an approach to delve into the workability of solo playing.
also he try to meet other musicians.
大上 流一

Live House

Live House:
B1, 3-14-4, Nishigotanda, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo
Address (Japanese):
東京都品川区西五反田3-14-4 B1
Closest stations:
不動前 (Fudō-mae), 目黒 (Meguro)


All concerts / music for free improvisation.
Suggested admission: between 1,000 to 3,000yen.
There are no refreshments.


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